The Flash: Revenge of the Rogues (2015)
Season 1, Episode 10
The disappointing return of a disappointing villain.
24 October 2015
In the comics, Snart may be an iconic villain, but in the show, all I can think the entire time is... "why is he a threat?". His superpower is owning a short range gun that happens to have unique ammunition; but ammunition, if anything, less dangerous than standard bullets. Barry could disarm him and beat him to a pulp faster than Snart could pull the trigger, taking him out with absolute minimal effort or risk. There is absolutely zero reason for the Snart story arc to last more than the half second it takes Barry to deal with him. He's unbelievable as a threat. It makes any part of the show where he's the primary motivator tedious rather than entertaining.

His partner is simply more of the same, another unbelievably harmless cliché.

Quietly disappearing them, never to be seen again, is an option to consider.

What should really happen though, seeing as Snart's an important part of the comics, is that he gets more dangerous. Give him some tech that actually makes him a plausible threat. Give him some serious body armor and a predictive targeting system. Or a cold field that makes him dangerous to approach. Just something, anything that makes him dangerous.

As of right now, I'm really tempted to just go do something else when I see that he's part of an episode.
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