Confused, Long and Boring
22 October 2015
"Bella addormentata" is a confused, long and boring film about euthanasia. There are two true events as the background of the story: the last days of an Italian woman called Eluana Englaro whose parents authorized euthanasia after seventeen years in a vegetative state and the voting of Italian politicians about the right of euthanasia during the government of Silvio Berlusconi. The acting is top-notch and the cinematography and camera work are excellent.

However, the screenplay is a complete mess for those that do not know who Eluana Englaro is and what happened to her. There is no explanation about the big picture, forcing the viewer to stop the movie and research about her story. The entwined fictional stories are not engaging or romantic and there are only shallow discussions about the theme euthanasia or the fanaticism of religious people against this procedure. Based on the IMDb User Rating, maybe the viewers that have lived or followed the drama this woman might have enjoyed this film much more. My vote is four.

Title (Brazil): "A Bela Que Dorme" ("The Beauty that Sleeps")
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