May their shells be blighted, very good second part.
22 October 2015
After rescuing the Doctor from the approaching Dalek, the two escape, arm themselves with an Anti Tank rocket and destroy the Dalek before the Military arrive. The Doctor retrieves the Hand of Omega and buries it at a grave yard, but there are two separate groups of Daleks keen to get it. The Doctor, now allied to the Military discovers the Mothership of one set of Daleks directly above their base, he convinces Gilmore not to arm in the area. Ace is annoyed at being left out of the danger so sets off to investigate in the School, landing herself in big trouble.

It's another great episode, I'd argue it's the less good episode in the serial, but it's still very good, the other parts are just better.

My favourite seen in this episode is the Cafe scene between the Doctor and John, it was a lovely warm scene, not hugely vital to the story, but it raised the question about cause and effect, every great decision creates ripples. It was really nicely played, served as a nice change in pace and tone.

There are some interesting elements in this story, Ratcliffe is implied to be a Nazi sympathiser, and the boarding house belonging to Mike's mother is racially prejudiced, tough subjects that both seem brave for Doctor Who. I liked Ace's reaction to the latter, showed us her character having different principles to what was more acceptable in the 60's.

The Daleks look great, the grey Renegades, and more so the white and gold Imperials, they look awesome. I miss them in today's episodes.

Ace showed us in this episode why she's so highly regarded in general by fans, refreshingly feisty and tough, she was a welcome change.

The cliffhanger works well, Ace truly is placed in real danger.

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