Antboy disrespects a lonely girl and she becomes the Red Fury to get revenge.
20 October 2015
Warning: Spoilers
This is the first sequel to the Antboy series of movies. Mainly for kids but it can also be enjoyed as light entertainment for anyone.

The first movie, like most superhero movies, established the character and showed how he became it, in this case being bitten by a genetically altered ant. Having ant characteristics he needs sugar, just as Popeye needs spinach.

Oscar Dietz is back as Pelle ('pell-luh'), the kid who dons his costume to be Antboy. Samuel Ting Graf is back as his best friend Wilhelm. And the other one who knows his identity is terminally cute Amalie Kruse Jensen as Ida ('eee-dah'). In a Superman/Lois Lane style Pelle desperately wants to tell Ida he likes her as a girlfriend but something always seems to come up right before he tells her how he feels.

As this movie begins the bully brothers are giving a hard time to a young girl at a public outdoor ice rink. Pelle comes to the rescue and afterwards she asks if he will be her guest at an upcoming dance. Reluctantly he says he will but he ends up going only as Pelle, too shy to approach Maria. It is played well by Astrid Juncher-Benzon as Maria. Next is where it takes a typical school kid spurned turn. She vows to get back at him for the snub.

It turns out her dad is trying to invent something, a cloaking device that will render him invisible by creative use of light waves. But it doesn't work. However Maria being the clever one figures out how to make it work so she starts to do her revenge wearing a red costume and using the invisibility technique.

It is just a silly, fun story, no one gets hurt too badly, and eventually Maria and Pelle explain themselves to each other and agree to combine to fight crime in their little community.

I watched it on Netflix streaming movies, with English subtitles. I see the next Anyboy movie is in post-production.
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