A biased documentary.
19 October 2015
Warning: Spoilers
First of, English is not my main language, and my grammar may be off. You have bin warned.

When i first saw the trailer for the documentary, i was all hooked. I watched many hours of the live-streams from ukrstream, during the protests/riots, so i was really looking forward to this documentary. That being said, I was very disappointed with it. I am not a supporter of the way the police/state handled it, and how they killed a lot of innocent people during the periods. But, this documentary doesn't show you the police that gets set on fire with molotovs, and beaten to death too. It doesn't show that time when the protesters, blocked in 100 policemen in an office building, and they almost got burned in. We only hear about how the protesters took all the beating, and don't get me wrong, the police was way to aggressive, and had what was coming to them

The documentary tells about the protesters that gets abducted, but never what happened to them.

Not a documentary i would recommend to anyone, they should go watch the videos of the riots on youtube, or ukrstream, since they are still available, and gives a less biased view.
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