A good example of how NOT to make a movie
18 October 2015
This has to be one of the worst movies I have ever seen. It does something which I thought was impossible, which was to make the Asylum movies look good.

The story is bad. The plot holes are so big you could probably lose a planet in them. Maybe even a solar system.

The actors all look and sound bored. As far as I can see, none of them seem to be even making any effort to act. Much of the stuff they do doesn't seem to make sense, even in the context of the movie.

The sound is bad - most of it sounds like it was recorded in a bathroom.

The special effects are really... special. Flying debris is represented by random black dots superimposed over the image, not connected to anything. And those are some of the better special effects. The final scene is so badly done it has to be seen to be believed.

Several of the scenes are just totally unrelated stock footage that was spliced in, and in many cases are so jarringly out of place that I had to rewind just to make sure I had actually seen what I though I had seen.

I understand that this was done with a low budget, but man, even with a low budget, they could at least have made an effort. The impression I get from this movie is that nobody cared enough to even try. Watch at your own peril.
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