Rob-B-Hood (2006)
Struggled to find it interesting! 3/10
16 October 2015
Review: This film was awful! The acting was terrible, along with the badly written script and the storyline was ridiculous. Its about 3 small-time robbers who take on one last job after losing all of there hard earned loot. Jackie Chan plays Thongs, whose the compulsive gambler out of the group and Louis Koo plays Octopus who likes living the lavish life but soon runs out of cash. The last member of the group Michael Hui (Landlord), saves his loot but it all gets stolen from his house so he convinces his partners in crime to take on a big job, to steal a baby for a big time crime boss. The baby turns out to be his grandson and after losing his son at the beginning of the movie, he wants the only connection to his son that is left. Whilst kidnapping the baby, Landlord gets captured by the police so the other members of the gang decide to wait for him to be released before they go ahead with the deal. The crime boss starts to get impatient and he sends out his thugs to retrieve the baby and kill the kidnappers. While all this is going on, the police is hot on the robbers tail because of there bad reputation as small time criminals. Anyway, Thongs and Octopus become close to the cute little baby and they decide that the babies safety is worth more than the hefty payday. As usual, the action scenes were impressive but the comedic storyline and weak acting was pretty poor. You can tell that it was made for the Western market because of its funky soundtrack and modern look but I found it to be more silly than entertaining. The baby is extremely cute and I can completely understand why these small time crooks got close to him but the far fetched action scenes contributed to this lengthy, poor movie. Anyway, I didn't enjoy the movie that much but the action scenes weren't too bad. Disappointing!

Round-Up: This movie was directed by Benny Chan who brought you the great Shaolin, in 2011. He also directed Who Am I, which also starred Jackie Chan and Big Bullet, Gen-X Cops, New Police Story, Divergence, Invisible Target, Connected, City Under Siege and the White Storm. I'm not familiar with a lot of his other projects but he does have a high reputation in the Oriental market. I didn't find the comedy in this movie that funny and it did seem to drag after a while but the director did introduce other elements which made it barely watchable. At the end of the day, it's just another comedy based action movie from Jackie Chan but on the plus side, it did make back it's money at the box office so there's obviously an audience for these type of movies.

Budget: $17million Worldwide Gross: $20.5million

I recommend this movie to people who are into their action/comedy/drama movies with there usual Jackie Chan epic stunts and a Three Men and a baby type concept. 3/10
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