Review of Redline

Redline (2009)
The Epitome of style over substance
15 October 2015
This is getting a 3 out of 10 from me purely because of the time and the effort that the artists have put into animating this. The artwork is amazing throughout and i cannot fault the comic-style artistry... My problem comes with the lack of story progression and fluidity. It took me 10 hours to finish watching this as i always got bored, wandered off to do other more interesting things, then came back when i had nothing else to do. Literally nothing else to do.

If you want to look at good artwork... go ahead. If you want good story/action/characters i would look elsewhere.

I don't know what else to say about it really. The characters are two dimensional; even the main protagonist is a boring cliché of himself...I mean, a grease-style hair-do and a flick comb, come on. A lot of secondary characters are introduced but i never ended up with any feelings one way or the other for them. The Argos catalogue has a better story line.

Kudos to the artists. I'm sorry you were involved in such a terrible story that could have been amazing
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