what a waste of time.....Only Shoaib Mansoor have courage to make a good and sensible movie.
14 October 2015
after watching movie BOL, i truly through that Pakistan Film Industry can survive without GUJJAR Titled Movies, But after poor Production of WAR, yet another Poor Direction movie has emerged in Pakistan's Cinemas. I can bet that after watching first 15 minutes movie, anyone can tell that what the Movie story is? what it is about...poor Direction, Poor Dialogue, Poor Acting, Poor Script, After ending GUJJAR Titles Movies, now Pakistan FIlm Industry is ready to produce the third class movies. No Doubt Pakistan Drames are much more excellent than Movies. So Pakistan film Industry should stop wasting Time of People because there are so many other crises are there and People gets hurt after watching such kind of Third class movies. only Shoain Mansoor have courage and excellent sense of making films and it is my request to all producers and directors to stop making films on such kind of fools ideas, because it will not worth and will not survive for long time. Please stop making such kind of fool movies and please let shoaib mansoor make good movies Please
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