The Flash: Flash of Two Worlds (2015)
Season 2, Episode 2
14 October 2015
I don't know why I ever had any doubts that this season would be strong. What another fun episode this was, with plenty more teases as to what's to come. We got a glimpse of Zoom/Professor Zoom/whatever Cisco ends up calling him, a look into more of Cisco's Vibe powers, Patty Spivot, and even Mrs. West. There was a lot going on in the episode, but as the show does so well, it never felt too packed.

We began just as last week's episode left off, with Jay Garrick invading STAR Labs. It was nice to see that Barry wasn't quick to welcome him into the group. I don't care what Iris says, that made a whole lot of sense. After a full year of letting Wells control most of what the group does and then seeing him turn on them in a second, I think Barry has a right to be cautious. It actually draws an interesting parallel with what happened to Oliver for awhile. He lost people, and refused to trust anyone for a good portion of season 2 and even season 3. Back to Iris, I'm not really seeing her purpose in the show right now. She barely has any lines in the episode and season thus far and her big scene with Barry seemed more fitting for Caitlin anyway. Hopefully, she won't turn into Laurel from season 2 of Arrow.

That brings me to Patty Spivot, who is brought in as Joe West's new partner. I'm intrigued by her character and especially her motivations as revealed later on in the episode. With that being said, I found her humor and chemistry with Barry to be a bit off. It just felt jarring to me, almost to the extent of Emma Stone in Aloha. Her character just didn't seem to fit in with the tone of the rest of the show. But I came around after awhile and excited to see a different love interest for Barry. Anyone but Iris.

The villain this week was lame but not as distracting as Atom Smasher was last week. It's interesting that this season we know out of the gate that the big bad is Zoom, and so it at least gives the villain of the week episodes a purpose knowing they work for him. It does beg the question as to why Zoom is so mad. Is it just what Garrick said and he just wants to be the best? Or is there something more going on here? Does Wells' scene at the end in the future have anything to do with what's going on in the present with Zoom?

It's worth mentioning that we had another small crossover with Green Arrow showing up on the news segment on the TV at STAR labs. It's cool seeing the shows crossover even when it's in such a small capacity. Plus, Cisco's line about the name change was priceless. Another small Easter egg was Sand Demon's (what a stupid name) line about Blackgate Penitentiary. I think this universe will continue to give the smallest of the small hints and teases as to Batman's existence or any Gotham & Metropolis relations. But make no mistake, they will never appear on the show. So yet another strong week for the Scarlet Speedster, or should I say the Crimson Comet.


+Flash team up

+Vibe teases

+Green Arrow & Batman easter eggs

+Spivot was a nice addition...

-...But definitely bothered me at first

-What is Iris' use at this point?

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