The Walking Dead: First Time Again (2015)
Season 6, Episode 1
11 October 2015
I honestly found this episode useless. Because of the way the producers said it was going to be one of the best and most exciting season openers yet, I got my hopes up high only to have them thrown off the cliff with the truck that fell in the first minute of the episode. Which, by the way, was by far the most exciting thing you're going to get out of this opener. The flashbacks felt useless and aggravating, trying to set up something meaningful and symbolic but ultimately failing. It's as if the producers got together in hopes of brainstorming a theme to make the episode memorable but ran out of time and did the flashbacks as a last resort. The conversations and dialogue were cliché and the poor display of character development felt contrived and meaningless. Just as you are being convinced something explosive is going to happen, they hit you with another flashback and leave you with a feeling of dissatisfaction. It felt like one big waste of an hour and a half that was just a setup for the next episode; not to mention the million commercial breaks. All in all, the show is just going backwards in terms of plot development, character development, and the dialogue. Watch the pilot episode and then compare it to this one and you'll understand what I mean. The title of this review says it all about this episode: unsatisfying.
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