6 October 2015
Ummmm…. wow. I just don't know what to say about this. So much so, that I am not using a quote from the movie for the review title as I normally do. OK, here goes. Miami Connection is a strange… VERY STRANGE cheesy 1980's movie with, martial arts, a 1980's rock boy band, ninjas, and guys hanging out. If that sounds like it works together, CONGRATULATIONS! You are wrong. Despite the fact this film is just awful…… I can't make myself look away(Just like a train wreck.) Bizarre gore, nonsensical plot, unnecessarily shirtless guys, bad rock songs, a limp romance, a forced long lost father subplot, awkward bromance, disembodied voices, inept fight scenes, horrible acting. What a hilarious mess.

Anyways, the plot. What plot? _ XD _ Seriously though, a taekwondo rock band irritates the former band for their club and it escalates from there to them being targeted by a gang of drug dealing ninjas. It would just get dumber if I fleshed out the little story there is any more than that.

So, to sum Miami Connection up, if you enjoy cheesy Z or B movie train wrecks, check it out and prepare for a good laugh, you will not be disappointed. For everyone else, you have been forewarned.
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