The Innocent (1976)
A high quality film...that is really, really boring!
3 October 2015
Warning: Spoilers
"L'Innocente" is a pretty film to watch. This can be said for just about all the films of Luchino Visconti that I have seen. He really knew how to make a quality film--great sets, lovely costumes and nice cinematography. However, I will also say that I hardly ever have enjoyed a Visconti film (with the exception of "Rocco and His Brothers" and perhaps one or two others). While they look great, they also move at a glacial place and feature characters I really couldn't care less for...and this makes for very slow viewing. Artsy folks and critics LOVE films like "The Leopard", "The Damned" and "Death in Venice", I just found them to be overlong and curiously uninvolving.

I could say all this about Visconti's final film, "L'Innocente"-- a film that once again looks great but also have no one in the film that you care one bit about as well as glacial pacing. Even the sight of an incredibly beautiful naked woman in some incredibly graphic scenes weren't enough to make the film interesting-- something that is VERY difficult to achieve. I could talk about the story, but frankly it COULD have been interesting...but wasn't. My only thrill came at the end when one of the characters killed least then I knew it was finally complete!
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