Not a bad game, but sadly nearly unplayable.
3 October 2015
In some ways it is a decent game, but as I progressed, it became unplayable for me.

It started off OK, but as the puzzles and boss fights got harder, they got more tedious, and the controls got more frustrating. After a while the puzzles feel repetitive (but this is largely a question of personal taste). 95% of the game is pure puzzle platforming (so you should only play this if you really like that sort of gameplay). My playthrough broke down to frustrating trial and error at times. I found the keyboard/mouse controls difficult and at times inconsistent and unresponsive - Maybe it plays better on a console. I got stuck on some of the platforming and boss fights, so I had to look up the solutions online. I'm not a noob, but better hints and tutorials would have been helpful for me. It is also a pity there is no manual save system, and that the save checkpoints are not very forgiving - they were often far away from the part I struggled with, meaning I had to redo a lot after failing a sequence. Also, you have to manually "save" the checkpoint, otherwise, if you quit/reload, you lose all progress since the beginning of the game. Dare I say it, but this game may be too "hardcore" for me (even though I usually don't like it when games are dumbed down). While the experience was too frustrating for me, this is quite a good game within its specific genre.

If you like difficult platforming and old-school boss fights, you may like this game. Otherwise, there are simply too many flaws, so I sadly cannot recommend it.
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