Too fast paced, would never shut up. Not recommended for... Anyone.
29 September 2015
I had to walk out of the theaters and stop watching this movie. Why? Because of the constant NOISE. There are no peaceful breaks in between dialogue, no slow emotional talk, none of that. This film is constant fast paced noise, talking, music and sound effects. Just imagine a nice scene like Joy crying from Inside Out, and replace the calming silence with loud crying and phoned in sad music. Seriously, even Pink Elephants on Parade was not as fast paced as this movie. The CG was not exactly Pixar, but it was not horrible. Its a cartoony style, which can appeal to children. The character designs were decent, but the so called "house cat" looked way too exaggerated. The characters themselves were bland because the film replaced character development with more and more fast paced noise. To top the crap icing, they replaced flap, a cute platypus from the original cartoon with a lisp, with a Liar Bird that, you guessed it, specializes in noise, as if the film was too frikken quiet without him. The plot was okay, generic and predictable. Seriously, I walked out of the theatre halfway through the film and I was correct when I told someone (who saw the full film) what I predicted what the ending was. The jokes were clever, but were ruined by the constant noise. The film did not allow us to take in and enjoy the joke it just gave us, which is a real shame. The dialogue... Dear god... It was nothing but Aussie slang. There is nothing wrong with slang, but they kept pushing it in our faces as if they were trying to remind us this was an Australian film. Some sentences even made no sense, such as "Don't get your pouch in a twist" (seriously, were they too afraid to say "knickers" in this film or did they think changing the slang to make it Marsupial related was clever? Because it was not. It was stupid.) One could say that its for kids, and that its supposedly "okay" and my review is pointless. But the thing is, most, if not, all the people familiar with Blinky Bill are teens and/or adults now, since we grew up with his books and cartoons. In fact, kids nowadays probably do not even know who Blinky Bill is until they see this movie. So no, "its for kids" is no excuse, because they were also targeting the older audiences. One could say I am blinded by nostalgia, and this is also not true. While I loved the old cartoons as a kid, I always noticed the flaws in that too, even as a kid. So when I saw the trailer, I was exited to see them bring Blinky Bill back in a new style, I really did think it would have been an improvement from the old cartoons. But at least the old cartoons gave their characters some kind of character, well paced plot and a decent balance of quietness and loudness. So yeah, those low budget cartoons with constant unnecessary misanthropy and animation mistakes? Those were better. I have aspergers, and I am sensitive to noise. Most films are kind on me and allow a good combination of fast paced noise and quietness when both are needed. But without a break from the racket the movie was screeching out at me, I had to walk out of the cinema in order to avoid anxiety from an annoying koala who would just not shut up. If your child is sensitive to noise, I do not recommend this film at all. Bad idea. Buy them a copy of the original cartoon or better yet, buy them a real animated movie by Disney, Dreamworks or Blue Sky Cenima that does not rely on waving keys in their faces to provide them with "entertainment". If your kid is not sensitive to noise, this film could be a good time waster for them (its just the cost of your sanity to sit through this with your kid). But I do not recommend it because its an insult to your children's intelligence by thinking that kids always need to have keys being waved in their faces in order to stay interested. All in all, I give this film a 1/10. All good qualities in it are ruined by the noise and nonstop dialogue.
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