This movie is hilarious, for kids AND for adults!
25 September 2015
Just got back from seeing it in theaters, and let me tell you, there were several moments when just the kids would laugh, and moments when just the adults would laugh, and even moments when everybody laughed. This is coming from a guy who doesn't watch a lot of "kid" movies, and I can tell Adam Sandler wanted more than just kids to enjoy it, so he threw in child-raising jokes, nipple jokes, and a few other jokes and themes that go right over your average kid's head. And of course there's silliness plentiful for the kiddies to enjoy.

If you're reading reviews, you should already be familiar with the plot, which in a nutshell for those who aren't, is basically the two kids from the first one are older and married and have a kid, who the grandfather, Count Dracula, hopes is a Dracula/monster like his own bloodline, but it doesn't seem to be the case. So family relationships are slightly strained in this movie as Dracula wonders if he'll be helping to raise his vampire grandson, or watching his human grandson and human son-in-law and vampire daughter move away and leaving him behind alone in his hotel, to go live with *gasp* HUMANS.

So on top of it being hilarious for everybody, there's a lot more to it as well. Obviously if you're a fan of the first Hotel Transylvania, it's a guarantee you'll enjoy this sequel. The style of animation is exaggerated, highly sporadic, like a human gas molecule with ADHD and an IV inserted coffee bag. There is a lot going on in almost every scene, and with the characters behaving so hyper, it may take a couple viewings to take in all in. The humor is quick, very in your face, but welcoming. And trust me, humor is a-plenty.

There are a few minor flaws; while tailored to two separate audiences, obviously there will be moments where one side will feel out of place. Either a child will cock their head to the side in puzzlement and maybe laugh but only because the adults are, or an adult will think to themselves "well that was just weird." And yes it's mostly a kid's movie so much of everything is easy to swallow.

Go see it, even if you don't have kids, it's a fun, easy-going flick that's sure to make you jiggle with joy like Blobby. The characters are fun and diverse as before, humor is constant, and for those sticklers out there (you know who you are), the plot exists and it flows sufficiently enough to follow, and at a reasonable pace. So bust out your popcorn and brain juice, and enjoy this light-hearted comedy.
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