Jet Stream (2013 TV Movie)
25 September 2015
The other reviewers have got so much of the more abysmal moments in this really momentous movie, (sticks fingers down throat), that I didn't think there was much more I could add, but surprisingly before I got totally bored with it and flipped to ST the original series, there was a classic scene, where a soldier was electrocuted and the "hero" TV weatherman dived in to check his pulse at the speed of light, before promptly going into CPR, which he patently knew nothing about as he replied, "I got this man, I saw it on Baywatch", well that was the second thing that had me rofl today and I was the first thing.

It probably didn't help the poor guy, flashing his brilliant white teeth and clean cut jaw, lying, to explain where he really was to the blond bimbo he was dating, sorry feminists, but she really was and probably still is and since she is Barbie the airhead he most definitely is Ken.

I finally gave up when the Major re-appeared again, out of sync, the continuity was as abysmal as his haircut and thought enough is enough, I can stand no more, my brain will become as jellified as the crew.

45 minutes of STOS I can cope with, but the studios are going to have to up their game, to impress me and maintain my attention these days.

I will attend the formal burial ceremony, if I can join the celebrations at the wake afterwards. :) R.I.P.
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