Slow-moving historical drama
25 September 2015
This takes place in 17th century England. A young noble mans son Gwynplaine (played as an adult by Conrad Veidt) is kidnapped by a political enemy. He then has a surgeon carve a monstrous grin on the boys face. Years later he's part of a freak show and in love with a beautiful blind girl (Mary Philbin). However his political personage becomes known and causes trouble.

This is usually advertised as a horror film due to Veidt's hideous grin but it's not. It's a slow-moving and frankly boring historical drama. Universal spend a lot of money on this and it shows. The sets and costumes are very elaborate and it IS well-directed by Paul Leni. Also Veidt is great in his role. He had to convey all his emotions through his eyes and pulls it off. However I was bored silly and had my finger of the fast forward button more than once. Also Mary Philbin was terrible as the blind girl. Boring and uninvolving.
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