Holy crap, what the heck is this?
24 September 2015
Warning: Spoilers
Boy, this movie sucks. The beginning about how Anthony wants to be cool and not childish. While Ian is the exact opposite, he lives with his parents and writes "Thirsty" comments. Claiming it is first base, either way the beginning has nothing to do with the rest of the film. The "actual" plot kicks in when the two find out there is a five year HS reunion and Anthony finds a video of him even though the freaking Mic stand is no where near Anthony he somehow got it lodged in his anus. Not to mention a scene where he accidentally murders a guy, which is a running joke. Who posted the video? well right after they meet Steve Youtube, which is something a ten year old would call the "Owner of youtube". Right after a penis joke and a a Markiplier cameo, they go find out if Diri runs out of batteries they will be stuck, during the Markiplier cameo they decide to split up and this consists on nothing and Ian finding butt massage girl. Which amounted to nothing, then they find the video and who posted it. It was Ian, and if they wasn't thrown out of now where they decide Steve should be a villain. Where do i start? first off if Ian was the one to post a video, then Ian could've deleted the video. Secondly; if Steve was evil, why didn't Jenna tell the two this. Would've that been better than what they give us? Instead they decide to mess up time. Somehow this alters them into billionaires and surrounded by hot women. None of them is Anna, so they got to the reunion, Anthony finds out that she didn't want a douche-bag billionaire and wanted the middle class douche Anthony, so he sings and butt massages girl is named Brad and that's what they end on. Goodness, this movie was awful
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