A fun little I wanna be like that movie- movie
23 September 2015
Warning: Spoilers
A movie that doesn't seem to know what Era the 80's were.

The movie is clearly trying to be a homage to the slasher movies of the 80's but some makes some mistakes with that.

First of no the movie is not good, , the acting is ....acted. To me it was clear i was watching young actors saying their lines and doing their job, there was no real investment in it, but most actors i never heard of ( except for Kendra Leigh Timmins, who's presence made me give one more star to the movie) The Movie also seemed to start out with the cliché " victim checklist" and would made you check off all that would be killed. But then it switched it around some, and when you do a homage movie , trying to be not like the movies you pay homage to, pulls it out of the Era of the 80's and place it firmly in 2014, 30 years later then the movie is said to take place.

Yet the movie started really out like an 80's movie but lost some of that feel the more the movie progressed.

Although the fact the cliché checklist can be used but not in the sense you would expect is nice, just not for what this movie wanted to be. To me it felt more like " We put in a cassette recorder and take out the mobile phones , " tadaa, the eighties"

The story is B sorry i cant put it any other way like that.

The see a name and only after finding a scary altar thing in a room is one of the characters going " Yea i know that name , there is this story about the people with that name and what they were." It came out of no where and felt shoehorned in there. Why not have him remember that name before, and also the kids know the story , the sheriff at the end was there and so knows it, but the deputy was like " I never heard of that" that made the reveal of the story of the killers origin more shoehorned in, in a " Oh yes the killer needs to have an origin"

Also the last shot of the movies was more a late 70's thing and not really an 80's thing , but that is nit picking.

And still i gave the movie a 6 star ..... even after all this bad stuff i have been saying.

And that is because i see Actors , especially the young ones having fun, In my mind i could see them goofing about when the camera's were off. And yes the acting might be bad, but in that the movie does succeeded in one type of movie from he 80's The, what i call " We wanna be like ......" Movies. a lot of slashers came out that were just not like the big ones of that era but did their best to be like, because they so wanted to be like the movie, and in that this movie succeeded.

the movie is not even 90 minutes, and a great time to waste time, and I feel we should see more of Kendra Timmins on the "big" Screen
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