Angry Sky (2015)
I was surprised but this excellent documentary was from ESPN!
23 September 2015
I never thought that jumping from a balloon in space to set a record for highest parachute jump was a sport. I am not saying it isn't--I just never thought about it that way. That is why I was a bit surprised when I started watching this and the film was apparently made by ESPN. This is not a bad thing at all, as almost every ESPN documentary I have seen is terrific...and the worst STILL being very good. And, as far as these films go, this one is among the very best.

This is the story of Nick Piantanida--a very strange thrill-seeking guy who held the record for highest any person had ever ascended in a balloon. Piantanida also wanted to hold the record for jumping from this balloon--at a height of about 22 miles!! Sounds insane, huh?!

The film begins with the very recent record breaking jump and the guy who holds this record. He was very humble as he said that doing such a jump today is pretty easy compared to 50 years ago when Piantanida was attempting to set the record--especially since he didn't have the money, experience or corporate backing he really would have been expected to have to try such a crazy stunt.

What follows is the life story of Paintanida and surviving friends, family and various experts all add to the story. Fortunately, film footage of the time also was available and together they make for a very compelling and exceptionally well made documentary. Well worth seeing--even if you think (like me) that this sort of stuff is really nuts!
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