Review of Red Wing

Red Wing (2013)
Bill Paxton was the only redemption in this badly paced,
20 September 2015
Warning: Spoilers
horribly acted, mess of of a film. SPOILER ALERT: the so-called twist is more of a trick then anything else, that the orphan (Frances) and the Mother (Maddy) had lust for each other from the get go, which is poorly drawn at best in the beginnings of the movie so that the ending (and I mean the last 5 minutes of the movie) finally comes to a morally disgusting head with the two leads dancing in front of the townsfolk at a wedding and then getting married themselves. And suddenly this town who hated on Frances from the start now accepts the two as a couple.(?) When a 6 year old child is raised by a 20 year old Mother, even though not related, it is still incest, I don't care how old you get. Marriage does not change that.
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