One of my favorites
19 September 2015
Love this movie. I am a big nature fan and I so dream being part of nature vs the human civilized world. I don't care if it's just a movie or acting-I still believe in my mind it's real, I envy his life. Mowgli making the same sound as the animals (to a bird, to monkeys, to wolves, to a bear). Jumping in the water playing with the elephants. Sleeping in a cave with wolves. Eating bugs, bird's eggs, and jungle fruit. Sleeping on a tree. Howling at a moon. Which you could never be able to do in the civilized world if some parts of cities had forest. That kind of life would be heaven (speaking like how animals do, playing with elephants in the water, swing on vines, climbing trees, eating nature food, sleeping on a tree and howling at the moon, running with wolves).
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