Review of W1A

W1A (2014–2024)
Brilliant. Yes, Cool, No. I don't want that.
19 September 2015
Warning: Spoilers
Outrageously funny satire. Hugh Bonneville, the patronizing lord of Downton, redeems himself while bathing in the complete absurdity of corporate culture. He has great comic talent, but he has quite a bit of talented company here as well. Jessica Hynes as Siobhan is the perfect farcical PR person of the computer age. She and her foil, Tracey, played by Monica Dolan, turn group scenes into absurdity rivaling "Monty Python" genius.

Will, played brilliantly stupid by Hugh Skinner, summons pathos and frustration all at once. Cool. Jason Watkins as Simon embodies every corporate worm ever invented. A most wonderful surprise is Nina Sosanya as Lucy. I am very familiar with her from her serious dramatic roles in "Silk" and "Meadowlands". She plays her role as the saner person in the mad house with great subtlety, especially when squirming under the oppressive inanity of Rufus Jones as David.

I watched these episodes in rapid succession on Netflix and was still hungry for more. Brilliant. Strong. Cool.
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