Fails to deliver real quality overall
19 September 2015
This concept of the Arthur & Merlin story has a lot of potential. The film draws on the origins of the myth, however discounts a lot of actual history. Post-Roman tribal Britain is depicted rather oddly in this film, not just because costumes, hairstyles and props indicate a lack of research. Everything is a bit clean and tidy to be the dark ages. The acting is okay and a few minor cast members shine out. The script does not lend itself well to the acting and becomes an unintentional goofy comedy. The whole film is carried by the bromance between the two main stars Kirk Barker & Stefan Butler, however the viewers are left wondering where the plot is going. A considerable amount of fairly-decent VFX went into the film, however not enough to remove cars and Victorian buildings from the background of some shots. The lack of believability is a big let down and those watching the film should not take it too seriously. Not sure about IMDb information saying this film was made for $3m as the film's website and numerous articles state the project was made for £200,000. Shot on an Arri camera, Arthur & Merlin has the image quality of a large budget movie, however fails to deliver real quality overall and definitely not a project where £3m would be invested. It seems as though the Director & Producer are more concerned with profit rather than creating a watchable genuine film.
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