He sounds about as Italian as Chop Suey...this is the sort of script that must have been driving Powell crazy!
19 September 2015
Dick Powell was immensely popular in films during the 1930s. Warner Brothers shoved him into picture after picture...yet Powell was not happy. He longed to have meatier roles and was tired of playing boy next door types in musicals. After seeing "Broadway Gondolier", I could see why he hated these sorts of roles. And, like many of his musicals of the day, they haven't aged all that well.

The biggest problem with "Broadway Gondolier" is that the plot is pure puff--with no depth and a story that just doesn't make sense. Powell plays Dick Purcell*, a cab driver who longs to sing on the radio. However, after blowing his audition to sing for a show sponsored by a cheese company, he gets another chance by pretending to be someone else...and Italian gondolier! Sounds ridiculous? Absolutely. Powell sounds about as Italian as Mantan Moreland or Anna May Wong! The plot makes absolutely no sense and the film is filled with a lot of not particularly memorable songs. Not a terrible film but not a good one.

*It is very interesting that they chose the name 'Dick Purcell' for Mr. Powell. That's because there already WAS an actor with the REAL name of Dick Purcell in Hollywood. He would soon make a niche for himself in Hollywood playing, among other things, Captain America.
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