Game Shakers (2015–2019)
Game Over, Nick
18 September 2015
Warning: Spoilers
In Nick's never ending quest to establish the bottom of the barrel, Dan Schneider's once good career continues to go down the toilet with this new show he made. But I have to be honest; when I first heard of this show, I was actually a little curious due to the fact that it would also star Kel Mitchell. Kel is one of my all time favorite TV stars and I loved him in Kenan and Kel and Good Burger. I figured it was still going to be bad, but not so bad that even Kel himself couldn't save this show.

Kenzie and Babe are two kids who make some really bad ripoff of Flappy Bird, and it somehow gets so popular, it makes them a lot of money and popular on the internet. What soon follows is a rapper named Double G coming in and making a deal with all of them being business partners.

There are multiple words that can easily describe just how bad this show is. Ranging from ear-bleeding annoying to complete garbage. It manages to hit every annoying note in a live action show. From bad jokes to annoying character, this show hits every bad note.

The actors themselves, save for Kel, are just annoying. They either act over the top at certain things or they do EXCESSIVE SCREAMING AND YELLING. Seriously, there is not a single scene where one or more characters are yelling or screaming loudly like as if they stubbed their toe. Kenzie gets a bad grade? She rolls on the floor and screams like a banshee. It's annoying and makes you want to punch them out.

All the characters are annoying and make me want to hit them with a bat. In fact, some of them remind me of Dan's other show, iCarly, another show with a good premise that ended up being awful.

Babe reminds me of Sam with her rude and irritating behavior. Kenzie is your generic nerd who acts all insane over having perfect grades. The teacher is an idiot who likes to rub it in kids' faces when they fail. Even Kel's character, Double G, isn't that interesting, despite him probably being the best character. Hudson is like Gibby from iCarly. The rest of the characters are just bad and I couldn't care less about them if I tried.

Hudson alone is a good contender to be in the top 100 worst characters in a sitcom. I'm convinced he was dropped on his head as a baby... from the very top of the Empire State Building. Seriously, this kid is annoying in every way. He giggles like a moron at everything. He crashes into a wall? He giggles. He gets placed on a hook? He giggles. He hears about someone's grandmother in jail? He giggles. This kid needs to be slugged and placed in an incinerator. Though I'm sure while he's burning, he'll still giggle like a moron.

Kel, as I've said, I deeply respect and he's a great actor. While he does get a few laughs out of me here and there, he's not really interesting at all. At times, he's trying too hard to be funny, and sometimes he looks embarrassed. I do applaud him though for trying desperately to bring some entertainment to the show and does give it his best.

The jokes don't work most of the time. While Kel does have some decent jokes here and there, every other joke is awful. For example, at a restaurant Kenzie believes an earthquake is occurring when it starts shaking. What does she do? She yells stop, drop, and roll. Ignoring for a fact that this is what you should do when YOU'RE ON FIRE, it's done so over the top, it ruins what very little humor was in it. Then we have Kenzie having her mouth open in front a camera and acting goofy around it. The cherry on top is when Hudson asks, for some reason, if any of Double G's members are Jewish. What does that have to do with anything!? It's not funny and it makes no sense! Oh, and of course, the tiresome laugh track returns and sounds off every two seconds.

They even got some YouTube stars in on the show to try and liven the show up and make it more popular. There's this one girl I don't remember except for her constant screaming. But they got ProJared, and you can tell he is flat out embarrassed to be a cameo on this show. He even did a video about it shortly before the show was released to advise his viewers and subscribers to NOT WATCH THE SHOW. That is how bad it was.

Above all, this show is not realistic in the tiniest bit. The teacher claims video games don't benefit humans, which has been proved wrong in multiple studies. Methinks this teacher fails to keep up with the times. There is no way a ripoff of Flappy Bird would reach #1 in less than a day. And, of course, no way all all two kids own a video game making business. There's a clear difference between suspension of disbelief, and then flat out insulting your intelligence. This show crosses that line multiple times.

Kel, I love you man, but this was seriously not worth it. Everything about this show is awful. The writing is deplorable, the characters are annoying, the jokes range from bad to senseless, the yelling and laugh track are ear bleedingly bad, and it has no realism at all. The only somewhat decent thing in this show is Kel since he seems to be giving it his all.

Dan, it's time for you to consider retiring. If iCarly wasn't proof you were done for, then this show is sadly the last nail in the coffin of your once great career. Let's just hope that it'll soon be game over for this show.
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