Doctor Who: The Day of the Doctor (2013)
Season Unknown, Episode Unknown
They've got their work cut out to top this on it's next big anniversary!
17 September 2015
The Doctor and Clara are carried of in the TARDIS to the Tower of London, UNIT's headquarters, where Kate Lethbridge Stewart lays in wait, with a painting left by Queen Elizabeth.

The story of the Time War has run for many years, how fitting for the fiftieth that it gets explained. A clever concept, hopefully one that's over now.

The childlike elements of both Smith and Tennant contrast really well with the bleakness and soured maturity of the War Doctor. The interplay between the two of them is just glorious. Both also work extremely well with John Hurt too, must have been daunting he is literally a living legend.

It really pleased me that Billie was brought back, love or hate Rose, she played a hugely important role in helping the show get back on track. It's wonderful seeing her.

In all honesty my favourite part was the appearance of Tom, it literally had me in tears with a lump in my throat, what better possible celebration to the show then to have the longest running Doctor appearing. He's just magic.

The updated Zygons are amazing, among the most successful monster returns, they just look amazing, and the effect of them transforming into human copies fantastic. Talk about a long overdue return.

10/10 so many elements make up a truly wonderful special, like an updated Five Doctors. Utterly wonderful.
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