The Runner (I) (2015)
Quality Nic Cage Performance in a Timely Personal and Political Story
14 September 2015
Currently, the always Willing to Work Nicolas Cage is in "The Dog House" and can't seem to Catch a Break from Movie Fans and Fickle Critics. He is Attacked and "You Tubed" Ad Nauseum for Over Acting and the general Goofiness of His Movies these Days.

So here, He Pulls Back and Delivers an Emotional, Yet Restrained, Performance that is His Best in a while. Working with a Rookie Director and a Low-Budget Cage manages to Take Hold of the Film's Message and comes up with a Flawed Character that is Noble and convincingly Real.

The Story is that of a Congressman who is doing the Work of and for His District, when the BP Oil Spill Tragically Ruins the Lives of the Folks He Represents. Making an Appeal in Congress for Everyone's Help with a "From the Heart" Speech, the unknown Politician is Propelled to the National Spotlight. An Ideal Time to make a Run for the Senate.

But, an Extramarital Affair is Caught on Camera and now, despite doing Everything else Commendably, is Forced to Resign and leaves in Disgrace. Now Working Pro Bono for the Folks (Again), His former Alcohol Abuse returns and now His Personal Life along with His Career is Spiraling Out of Control.

A mix of Political and Personal Struggles are here in this Timely Tale and Cage is Helped along with a Supporting Cast of Peter Fonda, Sarah Paulson, and Connie Nielson. The Movie makes the most of its Heart Rending Story and Everyone Involved Contributes.

Overall, Forget the Nic Cage Bashers for once and leave the Bandwagon for Cage has Defied Your Expectations and preconceived Hate. This is Quality Story Telling, a Warts and All Story of Complex Real Life Situations that Neither Capitulates to the Modern Trend of "Thriller" Tropes or Sinks to Slimy Exploitation.
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