Dead Awake (2010)
***CAUTION! Be careful reading about this film b4 you see it. An intriguing and moving story... Rewatchability: Moderate Blu-ray: Good (considering the source) A:8 V:8
12 September 2015

I believe that this was shot on 16 mm film. So, you have a pretty gritty, primitive, high-contrasty look to the movie. This isn't your usual glossy new looking film, but I feel that it's unique, stark look really lends itself to the story.

Now, to the movie... I had seen this film quite some time ago and I vaguely remember that I did like it. But, I just now watched it again on Blu-ray and I found that I still very much enjoyed it. Actually, I was kind of surprised that I liked this movie that much. Normally I do not care for 'Drama' heavy films, no matter the Genre. BUT... I really liked the way the movie was done, so that you had a nice, tense feel of light Horror, and a definite sense of Mystery, and along with that also a very touching and moving story surrounding this young man and what has been going on the last 10 years of his life.

The story itself is VERY simple. It is not the kind of movie where you have anything really intense or shocking. It is very moody, but in a simple way. You might have to give it a chance to get going a bit before you quite get into what is going on. The acting is very good by everyone involved. I'm not necessarily a HUGE fan of Nick Stahl, but I felt that he did a fine job here, along with everyone else. The director gave the film a nice sense of Mystery and tension. And understandably, the audience may not quite be sure as to what the deal is with this guy or the meaning of the flashbacks that occur. But, this is one of those stories that becomes clear as you progress through it, and of course especially when you get to the end.

***PLEASE*** be very careful in reading about this film before you see it. I NEVER cease to be completely amazed at the brainless STUPIDITY and lack of any good sense or consideration by the NumbNut Donkey-Sucking Dickweeds here who blurt out key plot points to the films that they 'review'... Pure, PHUK'n Idiots, if you ask me... Anyway, please do read with care, or better yet, just watch the movie and see what you think. To give you some guidance WITHOUT mindlessly giving anything away, just know that this film TECHNICALLY has some metaphysical themes, but is primarily Drama and character driven. Like I mentioned, normally I really don't get very excited about films that are weighted more toward 'Drama', but in this case I feel that the story is told in such a way as to draw the audience into what is happening and involve them. This is NOT really a true Horror film, so if that is what you are looking for, then you should pass on this one. But, if you don't mind a bit of a low-key, Drama driven quasi-Supernatural / Metaphysical film about Death, etc., then you might end up enjoying it like I did.
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