A woman's face
11 September 2015
Warning: Spoilers
This is a true melodrama ,with all its implausibilities ,but with a firm screenplay and of course a stunning Bergman ,who is the reason why today's cine buffs would Watch it.

The key to the movie is one of the surgeon's sentences :" now your outward appearance is fine ,but the most difficult task remains to be done;and it only depends on you'.

Remarkable scenes:

-Bergman ,suddenly turning round and facing the audience,revealing her disfigured face.

-The first words she tells the child when he is in bed at night:she is almost scary,reproaching the kid for being born silver spoon in hand and for living in a rosy world.

-The final chase ,in a "one-horse open sleigh" .

Molander is in this movie the equivalent of Stahl in America.(the surgeon who tells the heroine it's up to her to be a better person plays the same part as Randolph in "the magnificent obsession")
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