A Very Brady Problem.
10 September 2015
Warning: Spoilers
A Very Brady Sequel (1996): Dir: Arlene Sanford / Cast: Shelley Long, Gary Cole, Tim Matheson, Christopher Daniel Barnes, Christine Taylor: Every bit as dumb as The Brady Bunch Movie only far worse and dirtier. When a priceless statue is uncovered it somehow ends up in the Brady home. It seems to be a routine day. The two youngest children play detective to find a missing doll. Dad brings middle son to the job site. Mother gets her hair done. Jan pretends to have a secret boyfriend. Greg and Marcia argue as to who will shack up in the attic. Then Tim Matheson shows up claiming to be Carol's first husband but he is really there to find the statue. Ads emphasize Hawaii but only the last twenty minutes take place there. The relationship between Greg and Marcia all but screams incest. Director Arlene Sanford fails to realize the sitcom for what it was and as a result we are subject to humour that would not have in the series. With that said fans of the sitcom will no doubt find this film offensive. As for the cast, Gary Cole and Shelley Long are cardboard as Mike and Carol in all their happy flare. Matheson plays a cardboard villain who grows to detest the glee and sing-song attitude of this family. The children are reduced to horny teenage updates primped to be the next tabloid fix. The result is a pointless escapade that should be buried. Score: 1 / 10
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