Review of The Clinic

The Clinic (I) (2003–2009)
Unrelentingly Depressing
3 September 2015
I guess I didn't realize I would be watching what is and has been described as an Irish soap opera when I first clicked on the title on Besides being addictive, it is totally nauseating and guilt producing. I could watch (NOT ENJOY) five series, where one character after another first gives hope that they can be normal and likable, only to fall by the wayside and become villainous or unredeemable. Perhaps in later series, there are some who do not fit that description, but that seems to be the case early on.

I began to skip past any segment with Dan, and then those with Clodagh, and then the awful character of Liam's son, Ian. Then it just became intolerable, and as much as I wanted and waited for the writers to do in Dan and that pipsqueak Ian -- and to get rid of Clodagh and even Cara, I could not take one more minute!
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