Girl Meets World (2014–2017)
It's Both Familiar and New
1 September 2015
Like many of the reviewers here, I followed the "dramedy" that is Corey and Topanga, Shawn, Eric, Mr. Feeny, Amy, Allan, Mr. Turner, Jack, Rachel, Angela, and even to a lesser extent both Morgan's from when "Boy Meets World" first aired in 1993 as part of the T.G.I.F. lineup, and it is a show that I appreciated then and have only grown to appreciate even more over time. And like many of the reviewers here, I wanted to know what Corey and Topanga's life together would be like.

When it was announced Disney Channel would be doing a spin-off called "Girl Meets World", I was both intrigued and apprehensive about it. Intrigued because I would get to see a continuation of the story, apprehensive because there has yet to be a really good Disney sitcom that doesn't have some convoluted premise and that serves as a vehicle to turn out more Miley Cyrus' and Demi Lovato's.

Not having either cable or satellite, I had to wait until the series came to Netflix, and I intentionally avoided reading many reviews of it so that I could go in with as open a mind about it as possible. First I want to state what it isn't. It isn't "Boy Meets World." Yes, some of the characters are the same, and yes every episode of "Girl Meets World" I have watched up to this point has its origin somehow in an episode of "Boy Meets World." But, they aren't the same show, and shame on us if we expected it to be. I believe that's why many of these reviews tend to be negative. The two series need to be distinguished from each other, even if the latter is a direct spin-off. There needs to be a difference.

With that said, what it is is a show that has some heart in its own right to stand on its own. While the material is in many ways recycled from plots of "Boy Meets World" episodes, many of those are combined nicely and made into new plots for "Girl Meets World." That's why I say it is familiar and new. And, compared to everything else that's on Disney Channel (minus Phineas and Ferb), it's easily better than the other sitcoms that plague that network. Plus it's not looking like it's going to launch any new "music" careers, so that's a plus.

I want to wrap up this review by stating that, while I agree that much of the acting and dialogue is cringe-worthy, we need to be honest with ourselves and realize that "Boy Meets World" wasn't exactly the pinnacle of writing and acting either. That didn't matter to us though. Is "Girl Meets World" any better, or any worse, than "Boy Meets World" in that regard? I don't believe so. See "Girl Meets World" for what it is, don't pine for what it isn't. Let it develop into its own thing, and that may take a little while longer. But just as "Boy Meets World" eventually got there, I believe "Girl Meets World" will get there too.
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