incoherent paranoid
31 August 2015
This movie is a pastiche of paranoid insinuations about Google's book scanning project. It confuses legal debates around the Google book search settlement with the entire scanning project itself, but those are two different topics. In fact, by the time this film came out, the Settlement had been rejected and so the film was out of date. The book project is not a world brain. Google might be, who knows, but not because of its book project.

The film tries to create a connection with H. G. Wells' work from the early 20th century but the connection is just implied. And the point of the analogy is never made. It's just suggested that it's bad for us.

The filmmakers struggled to find visual material for a topic that isn't visually compelling. Some of its animations are just awful. The libraries are pretty. (Are they not "global brains"?) My point is simple: the film doesn't add up.
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