May I Kill U? (2012)
Strange, surreal and satisfying
26 August 2015
Very often with these kind of films, you get a great concept with a not so great execution, but this is an exception.

The use of what I imagined to be footage from the 2011 London riots was cleverly interwoven into the film to portray a London of petty crooks and bored coppers. The interesting twist by use of the flipped roles of 'Baz' the bicycle cop and a tattooed and lazily-bearded offender, in what seems to be an interview room, provides a dramatic and humorous opening as the events that led up to the moment unwind before us.

With his poisonous, ciggy-puffing mother judging his every move and decision, we have the fascinating contrast of Baz' comic work life, in which I felt very comfortable viewing, and his home, which was cleverly filmed to highlight Baz' discomfort and feeling of sickness at his mother's presence and attitude, which resounds in the audience.

With appropriate twists and turns throughout, this is one of those films that guarantees a laugh and an interesting pry into the lives of those who seem to be totally normal people.
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