This 3rd film did an amazing job at making me feel as confused and isolated as Shinji.
28 August 2015
Warning: Spoilers
I was really impressed with the 2nd film. It gave a refreshing new take on the events and characters from the classic original series and I was excited to see where they were going to take it. The new interactions between Rei and Shinji were especially fascinating and touching to me. Strong character development throughout the film drew me into the story and had the world feeling rich and deep. By the end I was so invested I was on the edge of my seat and the final Angel battle left me with goose bumps.

So with high hopes I began watching the 3rd film.

Oh man what a jarring experience! After a flashy action sequence Shinji and the audience are ruthlessly thrown into a confusing, cold and alien new reality. All of the growth from the previous film has been shat on and flushed down the toilet.

By the end of the film Shinji was complaining about how he had no idea what the hell was going on. You and me both brother.

Edit: I've watched the film a second time and found it more enjoyable but still a bit much. Its more of an experience than anything else. The 4th and final part has the gargantuan task of bringing it all together and I'm worried they wont have room for anything else other than exposition. The creators really must have massive balls to write themselves into such a hole.
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