26 August 2015
I wanted to like this movie.The plot outline sounded like a lot of fun,and being an obviously lower end budget title I went into this one with low expectations and hoping to at least get a few laughs out of it in the process.

It was a simple enough story.Abusive husband catches his wife getting jiggy with it with another man in the barn. Just as the husband is about to give his wife a slapping for her infidelity,mother in law steps and and embeds a hammer into his skull......then hey presto an alien conveniently crashes into the barn. Mother and daughter then offer a large amount of money to anyone who can rid them of the alien and recover the husbands body (presumably to dispose of it later). The alien however has other ideas.....

And so began what should have been a reasonably entertaining action flick as every gun totting whacko from miles around arrived to get a piece of the action.

It was obvious that from the get go,everybody was playing this one for laughs. Unfortunately,the actors were either too wooden or over the top to be anywhere near funny.Even the late Roddy Piper as a gun totting priest couldn't add any comedy to the proceedings.

The action scenes weren't exciting enough because everybody was too busy trying to deliver a torrent of cheesy comments and one liners. To be brutally honest,the talent wasn't there to pull off anything remotely funny.

The alien effects however,were actually rather good.Unfortunately it was the only good thing about the whole movie.

At the end of the day,this is another one of those movies that would have benefited from a bigger budget and better actors.

Shame really.....this could have been something really entertaining.
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