Iron Doors (2010)
25 August 2015
Such a rating for such a movie is just disappointing... Nowadays people just want to watch a simple movie, with simple characters, and a simple and sometimes hallow meaning; if you're those kind of people do not watch this movie. I agree this movie is a complicated, one with a deeply implied meaning, that's why some people should just back off and stop writing absurd reviews. What's so complicated about this movie (and many other movies like this) is the metaphor they use, what makes this movie even more complicated is that you should understand the metaphor yourself. For instance the best review written so far by sehnsuchtununtouchable, he (or she) believed that metaphor was the victims of terrorist actions or accidents; he may be right... There's no definite answer and moreover there's no definite choices. The metaphor may be life in society without freedom, it may be fighting for freedom, it may be what sehnsuchfununtouchable, it may be just a metaphor of life itself, or etc...In my belief this movie symbolizes life; you struggle as hard as you can to achieve success (in this case escaping) you find new doors and ways to continue your life and meanwhile you find love but in the end everything just ends at one point: death. In few of the best scenes of this movie the two characters just look at the opposite side of the door and door just opens by itself, this clearly is a metaphor for life problems, the more ypu care about em they will become worse, you should try to solve them but if you see that cannot do anything just leave they'll probably be solved.This metaphor is the most special thing about the movie, and to make things even better it is accompanied by simple audio and video features which increases suspense without loosing the pace of the story. This movie is one of the of the most underrated movies ever made...
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