"Helga, She Wolf of Spilberg"
25 August 2015
Having fallen into slight disfavor with the tyrant in charge of a totalitarian regime, "Helga" (Melissa Longo) is sent to a castle somewhere near the town of Spilberg to take charge of a labor camp for female political prisoners. Needless to say she is quite ruthless as she not only takes advantage of the prisoner's labor but also their bodies when they are finished working. Then one day, much to her delight, a new prisoner named "Elisabeth Vogel" (Patrizia Gori) is captured and because she is the daughter of the head revolutionary in the country, Helga becomes obsessed in her desire to possess her. Now rather than reveal any more of this movie and risk spoiling it for those who haven't seen it I will just say that this was a standard Women-in-Prison film which suffered due to its apparent low budget as both the acting and the sets were clearly second-rate. Additionally, as far as the actresses were concerned only the aforementioned Melissa Longo and Patrizia Gori were all that attractive. Be that as it may, those who enjoy this particular type of film might find this one somewhat interesting but even so it's nothing to get excited about. Slightly below average.
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