Pills, Power-Shakes, And Performance-Enhancing Steroids
23 August 2015
Hey! You wanna meet the "million-dollar" athletes who cheat (with steroids)?.

Yes. Even if you're not an avid body-builder, I certainly think that this documentary "Bigger, Stronger, Faster*" is well-worth a view.

This 2008 documentary really does open the viewer's eyes to how wide-spread the use of steroids (not only amongst athletes) actually is in the USA (and, of course, the rest of the world, as well).

I definitely give director/co-writer, Chris Bell, a big hand of applause for the very professional attitude and well-informed nature of this 100-minute documentary.

Bell certainly did a commendable job of covering all of the ground and getting as many relevant opinions (for his documentary) when it came to the pros and cons of regular steroid use (and, in some cases, the inevitable disastrous effects of this drug's prolonged use, too).
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