Doctor Who: The Day of the Doctor (2013)
Season Unknown, Episode Unknown
The 50th Anniversary special
22 August 2015
Warning: Spoilers
Doctor Who has done some truly terrible anniversary specials. "Dimensions in Time" comes to mind to celebrate the series 30th anniversary four years after it was canceled. I wasn't a fan of "The Five Doctors" (which could have been titled, "Three Doctors, a Fake and some stock footage, but never mind") either.

The plot is that the Eleventh Doctor is contacted by UNIT to investigate a message left by Queen Elizabeth I, only to encounter a rupture in time that not only unites him with the Tenth Doctor but the mysterious War Doctor on the day he ended the Time War. An adventure involving the Zygons and the Daleks ensues.

The best part of this movie/episode is the interplay between Matt Smith and David Tennent, reminiscent of the banter between Jon Pertwee and Patrick Troughton on previous anniversary specials.

Also shining in this episode is Jenna Coleman as Clara. Clara is frequently annoying as a companion, but here she hits all the right notes.

Finally, there is John Hurt as the War Doctor. (Cast because Christopher Ecceleston,the Ninth Doctor, didn't want to participate) I think the introduction of his character was pretty good, as I couldn't imagine either Paul McGann or Ecceleston being the ones to have ended the Time War.

Overall, a great romp for all Doctor Who fans.
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