A captivating story
22 August 2015
Warning: Spoilers
This film tells the story of three parents, and their four teenage children who live chaotic lives in New York.

I didn't think I would like "Ten Thousand Saints" at first because their world is so different from mine. The father, played by Ethan Hawke, is an irresponsible parent beyond imagination. He even shares illegal drugs with his son, which is really beyond me. Yet, soon afterwards the characters grow on me and I care much about their well-being and happiness. Hailee Steinfeld's character as a pregnant teenager really stands out, the things she has to go through is tough even for an adult. The scene that she confides that she does not remember what Teddy looks like is quite breathtaking.

"Ten Thousand Saints" has great character development, and an captivating story to go with it. I certainly hope there will be a happy ending for the children in the untold future.
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