Jack Reacher (2012)
Great movie
20 August 2015
I dislike Tom Cruise in general, so I was reluctant to see this movie. I was so worried it would be another asinine Misson Impossible movie. I'm so glad my wife pushed me to see it, as it was terrific. None of the super slo-mo CGI Matrix-type bullsh*t, just a Dirty Harry style movie with a great story and great bad guys and great fights. I don't believe there is any CGI in this movie at all! Amazing! Very old school, very surprising, very well done. I loved it and haven't seen a movie of this type that I enjoyed in a long, long time. I loved the way it ended... Fairly easy to see through the plot and figure out what is going on, but still very enjoyable. This is a MUST see for anyone who loved the Dirty Harry movies, or ones similar. Minimal fluff, no stupid romance, a believable plot and a good car chase. And bad guys killed the way they should be. Fantastic!
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