The Ren & Stimpy Show (1991–1996)
Turning The Animation Industry On Its Head.
20 August 2015
As one of the trio of the original Nicktoon shows, when I was little/younger, I used to be crazy about this show back in the day. But now I'm not into it so much anymore, not as much as I used to be, so in recent years I consider it somewhat of a guilty pleasure. I agree with the reviewer who mentioned this isn't the greatest cartoon ever. Looking back on it, it amazes me just how I was able to get through the gross-out humor in this (especially the Onward and Upward episode, which is, by far, the grossest episode ever made, original series or Adult Party Cartoon version and I'm not in any rush to see that one again anytime soon) and I can see that as the perfect reason as to why not everybody may have been into this. The gross out humor that is so commonly seen in several, certain cartoons since and nowadays may have started with this as has often been mentioned, but I think the real genesis of that brand of humor goes back even further, beginning with the Garbage Pail Kids trading card game, T.V. cartoon series, and live-action movie, all of which predate this series by a few years. I haven't seen many repulsive cartoons and I don't really care to do so, this and I think Aaahh!! Real Monsters were enough for me (maybe even more than enough at that). I didn't know it or may not have realized it at the time, but I now know Ren and Stimpy changed the cartoon industry, for better or worse, depending on your view on it, with some, certain shows imitating it, etc. Years ago, growing up, this would've been one of my favorite or top programs, but not anymore. There are more flaws with it than not. I concur that this, as well as many of its imitators, like Cow and Chicken, are overrated. I'm not quite sure what I ever saw in it in the first place, other than getting kicks out of seeing Ren having his maniacal fits. That's one of the recurring themes here: Poking fun at mental illness and I thought that was a highlight. If anyone who hasn't seen this were interested in checking this out, then I'd say just stick with the first two seasons, those may frequently be considered when the show was at its best, with the first season episode, Stimpy's Invention, among the best. For that reason, this is why I'm giving this show half the limit of stars that can be given. If it weren't for that, I may have rated this lower. I still somewhat have an attachment to this show for that reason, probably alone. Since checking out and catching up on some other cartoons I missed, I'm much more into those now and less into this. Several episodes contain gross-out/sick humor, so if none of y'all reading this is a fan of that, then I'd advise to avoid this show. Other than those explanations, this is just too much for me, for the most part, now.
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