Never mind closed for the season this should be knocked down and forgotten about.
19 August 2015
Warning: Spoilers
The summary advised - Kristy wakes up in a dilapidated theme park and must survive the living memories/ ghosts of the park before she becomes the next victim.

The actuality is - God awful CGI from the offset ruining an already terrible film. The film is a series of random people and random events happening in no sensible narrative order. Time/effect and continuity is thrown out of the window and has been crushed by a waiting steamroller. The main vehicle is actually Kristy (Aimee Brooks) but she seems to be losing her mind & seeing ghosts/ seeing her own death/ seeing her own rape/ being attacked by swamp monsters and crocodiles and seeing a lot of odd balls.

Boring boring boring broken up by random nonsense then back to the boring boring boring random nonsense. The story is awful, the acting is damp and wooden and will never light the world on fire (even if it was doused in fresh petrol), the plot is confusing, and when you think that the boring none-sense is about to end you get hit with another breeze-block of boring none-sense. I like bad movies but this looks like it was made with the intention of being taken serious which in itself is the biggest joke the film delivers.

The Special FX in the movie are only special in the sense that they arrived to school on the special needs bus - you'll know exactly what I mean when you see the Crocodile attack! This is such a poor movie that I'd never watch it again, I struggled to watch it the first time truth be told. Events in the film make little to no sense. Time and Continuity isn't linear and hard to stay alert to. If somebody gets you a ticket to a screening of this film slap them, if somebody buys you a copy of the film never talk to them and burn their house down before beating them to death with the film case/box.

Was Jay Woelfel on bad crack when he wrote and directed this (sorry Mr Woelfel)??? Looking at other reviews I can't actually believe somebody has given this a 9 out of 10, I personally think anyone who awards this more than 2 stars must need their head examining.

Avoid avoid avoid or you are risking losing 114 mins of your life and a few more hours on top of that wondering why you bothered.
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