Difficult People (2015–2017)
Obnoxious show about chatty egocentric gossip queens.
7 August 2015
There's nothing more annoying than watching an episode of this show. Whomever wrote this show, has made a monstrosity. Let it be known that glorifying people without a filter, without modesty, and without any tact is quite possibly worse than terrorism. If even one eighth of the population of the United States was even half as egocentric, chatty, loud-mouthed, or as brash, while at the same time being as ignorant as the main characters of this show, I would either become a mass murderer or commit seppuku with extreme dedication and detail for tradition. If you consider yourself to be of at least average intelligence, and happen to prefer to not be bothered by self-centered people, do yourself a favor and steer clear of this horrible show.
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