Saw this for free on Amazon Instant Prime...what a total waste of time.
17 August 2015
This piece of junk never should have made it past the editing desk. It isn't scary. The premise is lame. The actors act as if they are being paid minimum wage. There is NOTHING original about this movie.

The "charming" host, Jefferey SS Johnson, looks like he was picked up by scouts outside an AA meeting. Compared to Johnson, David Caruso in CSI might as well have won an Emmy and a Golden Globe.

Poor little Dee Wallace seems to be slumming.

Burger Boy looked like he was found inside a dumpster just outside an In & Out. There is nothing positive I can say about John Zderko except maybe he should go back to summer stock theater.

The single bright star of the movie (and its only redeeming feature) was Linara Washington. When they decide to do a decent biopic of Whitney Houston, there's your star. The resemblance between the two, especially when W.H. did The Bodyguard, is absolutely stunning. Think Jennifer Hudson doing the vocals and you have a blockbuster. I even think Ms. Washington could do an early Diana Ross, pre-Supremes split. Someone to definitely watch.

The script was even more dreadful than the special effects, if that is even possible.

If you want to watch this on Amazon Prime for free and feel like wasting 90 minutes of your life - hey, it's your life. Otherwise, throw it straight into the circular file.

P.S. There was not a single scary moment in the entire film. In fact I started thinking I should take the dog out to do his business about fifteen minutes into the film.
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