The divine Annabella
17 August 2015
This is a most delightful movie in every sense. And one that deserves to be known far better than it is. The story of a conscientious butler who works for the Prime Minister of his country, Hungry, but, unknown to his employer, has political aspirations of his own.

This is a wonderfully witty script that never flags. And such a fine cast. William Powell is irrepressible as ever as the caring butler who however isn't afraid to speak his mind in parliament when leading his party in opposition to his employer played by Henry Stevenson, whose wry amusement when Powell's character criticises him in front of everybody in Parliament is hilarious.

But the real revelation here is Annabella, who is simply sparkling as the Baroness, who is also the Prime Minister's daughter. Not only is she very beautiful but also a fine actress. Annabella is so vibrant and expressive in this part that she is just a joy to watch in every scene she plays, especially in those with Powell. They had great chemistry. And it would have been nice to see more of them together.

It seems like Zanuck tried to wreck Annabella's career when she became involved with Tyrone Power. What a sad mistake on Zanuck's part as one can clearly see from this movie that Annabella had a style and panache that would surely have made her a great star. This movie is excellent entertainment and well worth seeing.
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