Headhunter (2009)
16 August 2015
Warning: Spoilers

Searching round on Amazon UK for a DVD to the recent adaptation of Jo Nesbo's excellent Nordic Noir novel,I spotted an interesting looking,similar-sounding title,which was being sold at a very pricey sum.


Taking a look at some DVDs that a family friend had recently picked up,I was happily caught by surprise,when I discovered that he had recently picked up the movie,which led to me getting ready to go on a second Nordic Noir Head-hunter mission.

The plot:

After visiting his seriously ill son Jacob, legendary business head- hunter (and former investigating journalist) Martin Vinge receives a mysterious invitation from N.F. Sieger,who is the head of one of the biggest companies in the country. Signing a non-disclosure agreement before he even gets a chance to shake his hand,Vinge is told by Sieger that he must keep all of his future activities undercover.

With having led the company for most of his 85 years,Sieger finds himself nervous about his son Daniel taking over the company,due to Daniel not showing the drive and dedication which will keep the family company alive for future generations.Wanting to push Daniel out of the boardroom in an underhanded manner,Sieger tells Vinge to hunt for three candidates who he believes could become the new CEO. Accepting Sieger's offer,Vinge quickly makes a list of 3 people,and sets off to meet Sieger again. Expecting to see N.F. Sieger,Vinge is stopped in his tracks by Daniel,who tells Vinge that N.F. is deluded,and that Vinge should focus on the health of his son,and not that of the company.Furious over Daniel's threat,Vinge soon finds himself to become the hunted.

View on the film:

Locking Vinge up in the cut-throat business world,co-writer/(along with Åke Sandgren)director Rumle Hammerich and cinematographer Dan Laustsen open up Sieger's murky business world with elegantly spares wide-shots,which are covered in a metallic bronze that reveal the lack of any human warmth in this corporate Neo-Noir world.Keeping physical attacks on Vinge limited to a claustrophobic fight scene involving a coat hanger (!),Hammerich brilliantly attacks Vinge psychologically ,by surrounding him in unrelenting charcoal blacks,with the only shots of light that Vinge receives coming from his sons hospital bed.

Whilst the title does not feature a high blood-drenched body count,the screenplay by Hammerich & Sandgren stacks the cooperate bodies high with a venomous fury,as the both Sieger show themselves to only care about what is good "for business." Exposing all of Vinge's deep flaws,the writers deliver an extraordinary twist,which thanks to their delicate skill leads to the title having a "realistic" horror atmosphere,that reveals itself,when Vinge discovers how deep he has sunk into this Nordic Noir world.

Puffing away on his rotten cigars, Henning Moritzen gives a fantastic performance as N.F. Sieger,who Moritzen at first paints as warm & cuddly,only to slowly peel away the charm and expose a Nordic Noir brute,who Moritzen shows to have a keen eye on knowing when to hit the perfect aggravating note. Slithering across the screen, Lars Mikkelsen gives an excellent performance as Martin Vinge,as Mikkelsen's cold hard stare stays firm in front of his family,but weakens when Vinge re-awakens his old investigation skills,as Vinge hunts for the head of the Sigel's firms head.
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